You CAN use Nair for Legs on your face. Just don’t leave it there long. It works much better than the Nair for Face. I can see why.

TMI blah blah…I don’t give a rip. This is good info.

Mom was a faithful Nair user since 1984 after her car accident. She developed a bloodclot and could not use her ancient, horrid razor due to the blood-thinning medication she had to take.  This razor was (what am I talking about “was” it is STILL in her Beauty Bag!) one of those heavy, metal ones you have to replace the blades in. I still bear a scar from when I shaved my legs when I was about 10 when I wasn’t supposed to be. I can’t believe those things are legal for purchase. If she would’ve tried to fly on an airplane with that thing, it would’ve been confiscated.
Anyhoo, she had a whole bottle of Nair so I took it to see if it would work for that pesky, unwanted mess that grows on most women-over-a-certain-ages face, whether you admit to it or not. (Then, there are those chicks who could care less about it and we ALL suffer because of it. Ew).