Archive for April, 2009


They didn’t call him “The Voice” for nothin’…Vern Gosdin was the geunine article.  After years of health problems, mostly related to strokes, Vern died here in Nashville yesterday.

The last time I saw Vern was about a year ago when CLC and I had lunch at the Cracker Barrel by Opryland.  Apparently, Vern was a daily customer and was on a first name basis with all the staff.  (Remember, Chris? One-by-one just about ALL the waitresses came by to see him?) 

Vern had a couple of different careers in music, first making his mark in the Bluegrass world in the 60’s with The Golden State Boys, which included his late brother, Rex, Don Parmley and  Chris Hillman.  They later changed the hillmenbands’ name to The Hillmen.  Vern was right in the middle of the country/rock movement of the late 60’s on the West Coast and even had one of his songs in the movie “Easy Rider.”

After giving up a music career and moving to Atlanta, Vern resurfaced and lordy, I’m glad he gave music another go.  Some of my very favorite country music recordings are Vern’s…his version of “Dim Lights, Thick Smoke (And Loud, Loud Music)” is my favorite rendition of that tune…Curtis Young’s perfect harmony on it is just superb…


Vern’s Gospel album, in my mind, is way up there with the best of the best. The Gentleman Formerly Known As My Husband had the priviledge of contributing harmony vocals on this album. I can’t speak for him but I would wager he is quite proud of that.  Vern’s version of “Jesus Hold My Hand” is my most absolute favorite recording of that Albert E. Brumley classic…

Vern’s classic, written with the late Max D. Barnes, Chiseled In Stone, I think, is up there with He Stopped Loving Her Today with the best of the best of country songs…embodies everything that makes a country song a great country song…very visual and real; so much so you just want to cry when you hear it…


Saturday Foster cuteness for your viewing pleasure…



Suckin’ It Up

What a long week.  I’m so tired I can’t think straight. 

To dumb it down a little, the week began with me moving into the “Transition” phase of my new job. 

Now, I am not stupid.  I have done lots of the type of work I am doing now in my 23 years of working.  I’m good at it.  I learn quickly.  Let’s just say Monday was overwhelming and I came THIS close to escaping and running.

I didn’t though.  I wanted to.  Badly.  I was telling myself that it would make sense to run because after all, this gig pays squat and is entirely too demanding and stressful to not get paid enough to make my rent.  I went through lots of other things but the bottom line is….I can’t quit.  What would I tell my kids?  No more quitting.  That’s how I handled things in the earlier part of my life.  Thus, enabling myself to be a transparent, testicle-less, ninny baby.

My old friend Eric, after I posted some sort of whiny status on my Facebook told me to suck it up. Most people will say something nice and sweet but ol’ Eric put it to me straight.  He may have been kidding but I doubt it.  I do have to suck it up and shut up.

What made Monday worse was finding out moments into the work day that Mom has cancer again.  It’s supposedly localized and I guess that’s good. 

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were better workwise.  I felt better about it.  Then I had another bout of the Pity Party yesterday evening. 

It will all work out.  All of it.  I will look back on the first week of Transition and laugh at my overwhelmed-ness.  I will throw my hat up in the air ala Mary Tyler Moore and sing that I’ve made it after all. 

What else can I do?

Easter weekend has been grand.  I was reminded again today how the Old Rugged Cross makes a difference.  I don’t forget it per se’ but it’s good to see how knowing Christ makes a difference in everyday life for not just me, but, others.

I go from “training” to “Transition” in my work tomorrow.  That’s all I have to say about that.

Oh…my mom has had some stuff come up as a result of her cancer about this time last year.  She had a biopsy Friday as well as a CT scan.  We’ll know, hopefully, tomorrow what the Pathology thing says.  Ugh.

As for Foster the Wonder Pup…he is so fun.  He has met lotsa people this week.  Seems like everybody who meets him falls under his Foster-ish spell.  He’s still rockin’ and rollin’ on the potty-training. 
One of my favorite Foster pictures of the week…here with my nephew. Boys and dogs just go together.





Coulrophobia Is Real

I’ve never been one to have a Clown Phobia.  I don’t quite understand it but then again, I’m sure there’s people who suffer from such affliction that don’t understand my  strange fear of mice and rats. 

Anyhoo, today I had to get gas at the Hendersonville Mapco.  I’m putting the gas in my vehicle when an SUV pulls up to the pump next to us and I notice there’s a clown behind the wheel.  I didn’t think anything of it because of course, you see a clown getting gas everyday at the Mapco, yes?

While I’m pumping gas, one of the clowns walked over to my car and tapped on the window, promptly scaring my daughter out her wits.  Foster was along for the ride (it’s getting to become a habit that when we get in the car, Le Pup is with us) and I think Mr. Clown was tapping at him, maybe. 

 He said to me  ” I think I mighta scared her.”  Ya think, Homey??

I told them I had to get a picture and when I looked at it later, I realized that something about these two screams John Wayne Gacy


I shouldn’t be like that to the Shriner Clowns we saw at the Mapco.  Clowns need to gas up their cars, too, right?

Saturday Words of Wisdom

Funny, yet profound quote from this morning…

#2 is watching The Three Stooges.  Curly says “If at first you don’t succeed, keep on succin’ til ya do succeed.”


Of course, we laughed cause Curly said it but I got to thinking…Curly was right.   Did they even say things “sucked” back in the 30’s?  When did that phrase originate?

Anyway, who woulda thought Curly was such a philospher?

A Death in the Family


It’s not possible that Dan Miller  is gone from this world

No, he wasn’t what you’d call ‘Young” but Dan Miller, although he was 67, was somehow ageless.  At least he was to me. 

I’ve been in love with Dan Miller my whole life.  That is no lie. 

Dan Miller moved to Nashville in October of 1969 and started his career with what was then WSM TV.  That same month, the Collie’s from Southern California also moved to Nashville.  I was 8 months old.

The Dad was BIG on the evening news.  I mean, he was not a particularly anal, OCD kinda guy but at 6:00, it was Newstime.  Dan was his Newsguy of choice.  (The Dad was critical of broadcasters and Dan was just about the only one he was always complimentary of). 

I’ve seen Dan go through many co-anchors, sports guys and girls like Charlie MacAlexander, the late Paul Eels, and some girl named Robin Roberts who now greets us every morning on Good Morning America;  weather people ,including his good friend Pat Sajak, George Goldtrap (the Chalk Throwing Guy), the late Boyce Hawkins and of course….everybody’s Uncle Bill Hall…Carol Marin, John Tesh, Lonnie Lardner (Dad called her “Lardie Lardie” for some reason.)

One of the most memorable moments was the time Huell Howser did the story on Porky the Pig…who went to that Great Barnyard in the Sky.  Dan tried really hard not to lose it on the air but…to me, that always rivaled Chuckles the Clown. Oh lordy mercy….if somebody can find a video on that, give us a link. (Didn’t find one on the You Tubes). 

You have to watch this…Demetria shows us Dan’s office and some great outtakes.

Dan was just there.  He came to the house every evening about suppertime and about bedtime.  He told us of the goings on in Nashville.  We trusted him.  We loved him.  He was like part of the family…almost like that really cool, handsome uncle that you’re so proud of.  Whatever Dan Miller said was so.  Period.

I never actually met Dan but the times I ever saw him anywhere, to me, it was like seeing a rock star. He was so tall and handsome and just plain dreamy. We corresponded here and there and something that tickled me to no end was Dan being my Facebook friend. (Shut up…he LOVED me!) 

 I emailed him one time and told him they oughta bring back Miller & Company.  He thanked me and said he didn’t think a show like that could fly nowadays.   (Dan Miller emailed me! See, I told you he adored me)

I reckon if it’s your time to check out, there was no better way for a fella to leave than by being in his hometown at the Master’s with your good friends.  To go out for a little walk, showing your friend your childhood neighborhood  and keep on walking into the next life on the same street where you entered life?  To be here one minute and gone the next….good for Dan because he didn’t suffer but for his family, friends and all of us who felt like close, personal friends….it’s gonna take some getting used to. 

I remember in 1986 or so when Dan left Nashville to take a job in LA.  They ran a goodbye tribute that had all of Nashville in tears.  Dan went off to LA and anchored some news for a bit.  I was out there during that period and was SO HAPPY to see him on tv.  I missed him.

As much as Nashville cried when Dan left here for LA, we cheered when he came back in the early 90’s and resurrected “Miller & Company” on TNN. and then when he came back to WSMV, where he belonged.  It was like he never left. 

I can’t stand it that he won’t be back this time. 


You must go to WSMV’s website and see their beautiful tributes.  Channel 5 offered their own very sweet tribute as well.

Go see Dan’s blog while you’re at it.

Wash All My Sins Away

Not only is it Feel Good Friday but it’s  Good Friday. For those of us who are Believers in Christ, today is a day of reflection, thanksgiving and for this Believer, utter amazement that He loved me enough to go to the Cross and die.

The good part is, we know how the story ends….

More Puppy Love

My churrens spent part of their Spring Break visiting their paterfamilias kin out in North Carolina and weren’t here when the Boy Dog showed up.

I think it’s safe to say that my kids dig the Boy Dog. What do you think?




I want it noted that I haven’t seen a gleam in my Baby Girl’s eye like this in awhile. 

The Manchild is all about some Boy Dog too, it just wasn’t photographed. The MC is one of those that animals are sorta drawn to and this was no exception. 

I’ll put up more pictures of #2 and Le Pup later.  As I expected, those two are just too cute together.

A Reminder


Note to Self:  Go to Centennial Park more often.


It’s even funner when you go to Centennial Park and meet new babies.


Foster’s first night was pretty good.  He wanted to play about 1:30 a.m, which he did.   He is doing SO good on the potty training thing.  I can tell when he has to go poopie because he starts running sideways.  Heh.  He cracks me up when he barks at his little hamburger chew toy thingie. 


The New Man In My Life

Newscoma and Co. are swinging into town bearing puppies about 11:30 this morning over at Centennial Park.  If you want a puppy kiss, you can probably get you one.  You can probably take one home with you if the spirit moves ya.

You can’t have this one though. 

101_0833-300x225 bandit

He’s spoken ‘fer.

I said no twice.  I think me and him need each other.   I’ll get his rabies shot for 8 bucks next weekend here in Sumner County and I’ve got a certificate for a lower cost neuter.  The wonderful Finn is letting me use her dog crate (which is a nice fold-up one) and I am so grateful to her and Mr. Finn for letting me use it. 
He’s even got him a name.  I like to give my pets people names or name them after people I admire and/or love.   This little guy is named after my friends Ron and Tina Foster who have made a rather large impact on me and I dig ’em.

God’s Coloring Book

Other than the allergies that accompany it, I love Spring.  I wish it lasted longer but I like it while it’s here.

I’ve always loved Redbud trees.  That’s one of my favorite sights of Spring.  Reminds me of growing up on Spring Valley Dr. (how appropriate) and the redbud tree that was right outside our kitchen window. 

I have one outside my front door.  I started taking pictures of it everyday last weekend to sorta watch it’s blooming. 

014This was right about the time that storm blew through last Saturday afternoon.

I believe this was Monday morning’s version…





This one was Thursday morning before the other storm came through. (I had the absolute WORST headache I think I’ve ever had Thursday and I still think it was cause of the pressure changes and impending tornadic activity in the air. )

We interrupt this post about the pretty. Redbud trees to show you the commotion that ensued at my work during the Tornado Warning Thursday afternoon.  There was a touchdown not too far from work on Murfreesboro Rd.  Funny how as scared as I can get during weather like this, when everybody else is freaking out, I was calm.  Go figya. Maybe I’m just getting old and don’t give a rip no more?


I was running late Friday morning and didn’t think I’d get my Redbud picture that day but when I got home last night, I was able to get this.  I was glad I missed the morning shot.  I kept hearing Hank singing “The silence of a falling star…lights up a purple sky”…




And They Call It Puppy Love

I think Newscoma needs to ship one of these to the President.  How cool would one of these be as First Dog? 


In all seriousness, these babies need homes.  Newscoma and Co. took in Mama Dog as a stray, not knowing she was with Chilrun…they already have several dogs.  They have turned their home into a nursery and the time has come that they need homes. 

NINE No-Kill Shelters have turned them down.  It’s getting to a desperate situation.  These are the coolest looking dogs.  Pass along…let’s get these babies some good homes.


What’s new?

  1. 2 has become a Pogo Stick King.  Something about seeing a kid pogo sticking brings joy to my heart.  Ah, to be able to aimlessly jump up and down, not a care in the world. 

Over dinner with my kids this evening, this conversation was heard…(Do note that names have been changed to protect the Guilty)

  1. 2 says: “Did Potential-Hoodlum-That-You-Two-Sometimes-Hang-Out-With have to go back to jail?”

Both the Manchild and the Manchild’s Sister looked at him much like Marcia Brady used to do Cindy when she tattled.  “Nice going.”

You know what my favorite part about the kids going through this Stay-With-Dad phase is?  Secrets!  “Let’s not tell Mom this because she will be pissed.” 

Ok, let’s pick this apart, shall we? 

Why would Mom be opposed to my Darlings being friendly with Butthead-Down-The-Street-Who-REALLY-Likes-The-Feel-Of-Handcuffs-Round-His-Wrists?   Hmmm….maybe it has something to do with that time I caught him destroying my neighbors Christmas decorations?  Or the time I caught him destroying an election sign in my yard?  And any number of other times I’ve caught this kid in the act of THINKING about doing something he isn’t supposed to?

He has asked my kids “Why doesn’t your Mom like me?”  Ummmmm…..let me count the ways.

I can always count on #2 to fill in the blanks.  I think stuff like this is the reason they like to stay at Dad’s more than Mom’s.  Oh Lord Jesus, rock my babies…

Oh, how I wish I could elaborate on some funny things I hear at my workplace.  Oh heavenly day…everyday I learn something new and it don’t have to do a THING with work. Next time you see me, axscht me.

And on another un-related note…I got to visit a tad with my oldest/newest close friend, Eric the Brilliant Singer/Songwriter/Film-maker  a week or so ago.  (This is him with our other school chum, the most wonderful and amazing John.  (I still have a hard time calling him “John” for he was “Johnny” to me from First Grade on.  ericjohn

Y’all know my Old School Chums are people I’m quite sentimental and mushy about.  Guys like these are dear to me in a way I can’t quite explain and being able to re-connect with the likes of them has been a huge gift.  Something about knowing people pre-puberty and to be able to sit down with them and remember the Good Ol’ Days at 40 is just plain wonderful. 

ANYHOO, I say all that to lead into telling you how you too can own your very own copy of Eric’s amazing movie “Everyone But You” that I have watched now probably 20 times.  Listen to me people…it is THAT good.  Go get you one.  You will thank me profusely for the suggestion of adding this to your dvd collection.  

Eric is one of the nicer guys around and you will absolutely fall in love with him, his songs and his cool metal house out in the middle of  Wherethehayellisthat, Colorado?  I’m not gonna shut up about how much I love this movie and how these songs of his are what the Nashville Hacks Cats SHOULD be singing.  If the mainstream public could have a chance to hear this stuff…