I go to a great church.  It’s by no means the biggest church around nor is it perfect.  Everybody that sets foot in there is flawed in some way but we all have the same goal…to deepen our walk with God. 

Something really cool and wonderful about having a church family is the “family” part.  I’ve been part of this church since 1994.  I started going here when the Manchild was 2 and the Holy Tara was 14 months old.  There are lots of people that I worship with that I just adore.

One of the first pairs of church ladies I remember keeping the HT in the nursery was Pat and her daughter Darlene.  I’ve been in Sunday School with both of these ladies for years and just love them both to pieces.  Both of these ladies work for the State, as I do.  Pat was a little concerned about where she thought I was working within the State at the beginning.  She was fearful I had walked smack dab into a stressful environment and the relief that came over her face when she realized where I was working was just the sweetest thing.  She had actually worried about that.  That’s what families do.

Tonight, I’m worried for Pat.  She is in the ICU battling a raging pneumonia.  She’s not improving and I’m so concerned for her and for her family. She is about the same age as my mother and Hazel.  I just can’t imagine the thought even of not sitting next to this fun lady every week in Sunday School who likes to know EVERYTHING.  Details, baby, details.  She’s a hoot. 

   Pat’s a great lady. If you are a praying person, say one for her.